Welcome to Our Live Blog of power supply in this Niger delta

Sitting in our little 2 bedroom flat, listening to the thrum of the generator, Mr and Mrs Okada decided to give a live account of power improvements (and declines) in our neighbourhood.

We have been inspired by the sight of 3 successive Presidents promising us more electricity. This time we intend to help by providing live data from the field. We'll innovate, gyrate, and create. Soon we hope (with your assistance) will be a luck-o meter where we can measure how much things have really improved.

Its a survey of one, but we hope you'll share your stories, that NEPA will bring light and that laughter will at least abound.

If you really like the look of this little diary you may want to try reading from the bottom to the top.

(we still haven't figured out how to get blogger to keep our first entries at the top of the page and let you read through from the beginning )

Monday, 7 June 2010

Someone Call An Ambulance !!

Yes, we're worried.

We know that electricity for our area is run from a control room that is pretty manual (1970s era) and requires someone to switch our little part of town on to receive electricity.

And in recent times they seem to intermittently remember us for about an hour a day.

Well at the weekend we had light for most of an 18 hour stretch.

We're wondering if the engineer in the control room has had a dreadful accident and is unable to switch us off. Images of his body collapsed over the control panel (occasional twitches would explain our brief losses of power)are floating through our minds.

It was so bizarre that none of us bothered to put our glorious little washing machine to work because we were pretty much convinced for all of Sunday morning the electricity would go off at any moment.

However now washing, ironing, tea and toast are all done to beyond our heart's content.

[In case you are wondering if this is early evidence of  Presidentially inspired improvement we are awaiting further evidence. Careful consultation with our driver and neighbour over the fence -unbelievably in another zone- reveals they have been having a dreadful "no light" weekend. Are we suddenly special ?]

Yesterday, when we were done with consuming unusual amounts of electricity we went out to a rare cultural moment when this young author was doing a book reading in a posh hotel in town.

Book readings may sound like dull affairs to the uninititated but this was great fun - a rolling discussion and debate of 419 (email scammers), corruption, and what people do in desperate circumstances- all perfectly reasonable seeing as her novel was a comedy based around a young man falling into very bad ways.

Buy her book !! - Mr and Mrs Okada will buy you a beer/wine/beverage if you're disappointed (and we don't expect to be shelling out too often)

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