Welcome to Our Live Blog of power supply in this Niger delta

Sitting in our little 2 bedroom flat, listening to the thrum of the generator, Mr and Mrs Okada decided to give a live account of power improvements (and declines) in our neighbourhood.

We have been inspired by the sight of 3 successive Presidents promising us more electricity. This time we intend to help by providing live data from the field. We'll innovate, gyrate, and create. Soon we hope (with your assistance) will be a luck-o meter where we can measure how much things have really improved.

Its a survey of one, but we hope you'll share your stories, that NEPA will bring light and that laughter will at least abound.

If you really like the look of this little diary you may want to try reading from the bottom to the top.

(we still haven't figured out how to get blogger to keep our first entries at the top of the page and let you read through from the beginning )

Sunday, 13 June 2010

NEPA and the World Cup

Firstly apologies again for the breaks in transmission.

It turns out that this daily blog game can be quite a challenge when life gets busy.

Right now there is no excuse - the Okadas are in outer Lagos and enjoying a weekend away.

(bits of Lagos are looking decidedly better by the way with greenery, walkways, and tidiness that is a pretty big contrast to some years past. Not all of it but enough to impress).

So this Lagos visit brings two things to mind.

The general strangeness of NEPA distribution - here we are almost in the village and getting about 18 hours of light per day. Its been great, but how come ?

We've never quite figured why our neighbourhood slipped from a healthy 12 hours of electricity per day to our miserly (sometimes) one hour per day, and now seems to be on a modest rebound.

While we're on the rebound our co-workers mostly do not seem to be quite so exuberant.

But the peace and quiet of an almost rural estate with breeze, no generator noise, ahhhh bliss.

The other random thought is NEPA and football - in years past there used to be stories of attacks on NEPA offices when the electricity went off.

Not heard mention of this in years.

I think things have passed the stage where people expect NEPA to work. This little column gives an insight to the strange level of collapse that is the byword for state run services. Its a long road back when things get this bad but at least people are talking about it.

To close - a wee thank you to Mr President.

Thank you sir for appointing Mr Jega and some others to INEC. We don't know the man but he comes with a credible reputation which is more than you can say for his predecessor.

 Its only a start, but its nice to know that we might be able to vote you in or out of office based on your performance. (Suggest you keep working on this light problem though if you want our vote o!)

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