Welcome to Our Live Blog of power supply in this Niger delta

Sitting in our little 2 bedroom flat, listening to the thrum of the generator, Mr and Mrs Okada decided to give a live account of power improvements (and declines) in our neighbourhood.

We have been inspired by the sight of 3 successive Presidents promising us more electricity. This time we intend to help by providing live data from the field. We'll innovate, gyrate, and create. Soon we hope (with your assistance) will be a luck-o meter where we can measure how much things have really improved.

Its a survey of one, but we hope you'll share your stories, that NEPA will bring light and that laughter will at least abound.

If you really like the look of this little diary you may want to try reading from the bottom to the top.

(we still haven't figured out how to get blogger to keep our first entries at the top of the page and let you read through from the beginning )

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Well this last week has been most odd.

No posting by either of us because its been busy busy and we've been on the road.

But back to Port Harcourt and yesterday there was about 18 hours light.

18 hours - that's constant light by Nigerian standards.

And it seems its not just our neighbourhood.

Of course, right now we're on sunlight power and this laptop has 7 is battery life remaining but this is a really interesting development. Also, its not really supposed to be possible.

So where is all this light coming from ?

Who knows but e're enjoying it for now

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Today's blog posting is NEPA powered.

Not a common occurrence but it seems that NEPA are showing some respect for our weekend.

The washing machine is rumbling, the DVD player is doing soulful music, the ironing board is humming and the cats are chasing chickens (that's not quite true- our useless cats are scared of chickens).

NEPA has been pretty useless over the last month but so far (apart from exploding inverters) its been a pretty good week. However our idea of a "good week" has been adjusted - to a point where 3 or 4 hours light from 1am is considered 'a good week'. Indeed.

Over the last month 113 units of electricity - not so bad when compared to the 148 units over 5 months that provoked us to start this blog but its still pretty abysmal.

Everyone seems to be making predictions and bets on the world cup - anyone care to bet if we'll be seeing the game on NEPA powered tv ??

Anyway its weekend so enough of NEPA.

If you want to see something pretty check this out

Have a great weekend !!

Monday, 5 July 2010

I have killed it

After about three years or so, i have made the mistake everyone avoids to make with their inverters. I crossed the negative and positive wires and puff goes my old faithful inverter. Now I am stock with Dark Age NEPA and my Generator. Pity Mr Okada is not at home to see this,  did not burn down the house though; thank God.

All the madness happened because yours truly did not give us power for 6 days and finally surfaced yesterday for about 2hours and 40seconds this money. Crazy crazy people

Mrs Okada

Sunday, 4 July 2010

We have seen the light...

Well sort of.

Its Sunday morning and at least one of the Okadas has online access (and light) while the other is on solar power "au naturale".

While we've resumed on our batteries others have been marching forward.

Here's what you can do to replace your kerosene lantern nowdays and the latest cheapest version (going for under $10 on a continent near you) is here and winning international prizes for innovation.

By the way, if you thought Nigeria can't produce that kind of thing then check this out

(their website is here)

So while President Goodluck's 9 month plan for NEPA rumbles along our 9 month plan is to get as far off the grid as we can.

Solar lanterns comin up (BTW anyone flying back from India or USA anytime soon ?)

Friday, 2 July 2010

Dark Ages again

Here we go again.

There has been no power from NEPA for the past 4 days; not a wink. Usually they give power prior to disconnection and a few days after. I heard that they were around to do their disconnection of payment defaulters. I had earlier made my calculation from my meter log and paid what was due me and not what NEPA thinks I should pay. So I'm ok, as my wires are still intact.

But then, whats the difference between those disconnected and those not? We are all in darknes and different sizes and sounds of generators, driving me crazy.

I shall resume my battle with them again this weekend; I heard there is a new service centre closer to us now so I can go lay my complaints of the lack of power and "high powered bills". This will be an introduction to the new service centre. :( I dont think they will love me.

Mrs Okada