Welcome to Our Live Blog of power supply in this Niger delta

Sitting in our little 2 bedroom flat, listening to the thrum of the generator, Mr and Mrs Okada decided to give a live account of power improvements (and declines) in our neighbourhood.

We have been inspired by the sight of 3 successive Presidents promising us more electricity. This time we intend to help by providing live data from the field. We'll innovate, gyrate, and create. Soon we hope (with your assistance) will be a luck-o meter where we can measure how much things have really improved.

Its a survey of one, but we hope you'll share your stories, that NEPA will bring light and that laughter will at least abound.

If you really like the look of this little diary you may want to try reading from the bottom to the top.

(we still haven't figured out how to get blogger to keep our first entries at the top of the page and let you read through from the beginning )

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

NEPA bring their bills

Its been a long observed coincidence in our area that power supply follows a slightly chaotic pattern.

As we get closer to the 15th of each month we get a little more light than usual.

Then the NEPA bill arrives.

A week or so later disconnections follow for those who have not paid [or bribed someone to stay away]

A few days of much better light - to punish those who are disconnected and encourage them to cough up

Then back to darkness or a few meagre hours of light

After some ups and downs we seem to be firmly back to this pattern.

So yesterday the NEPA guy came around with the monthly bill

Mrs Okada was at home

And she spoke to the unlucky young man rather harshly.

I think he ran away about 5 minutes into the lecture on their corporate performance.

The NePA people are already a bit afraid of her after her previous sessions of pursuing their stupid billing errors as far as management in their regional offices (also now a bit afraid of Mrs Okada) and this has probably reinforced her reputation.

Pity for NEPA staff that madam is just starting on several months maternity leave.

I think they will be treading lightly as they pass our house.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

After a long absence

So we've done that thing of abandoning a blog because other more important things came up.

Every day.

For about 8 months.

Truth is we are bad bloggers and we repent (good that its a Sunday morning !)

There has been some NEPA over these months, quite a bit of darkness and some solar powered
light at the end of the tunnel.

Anyway we are back and Mr and Mrs NEPA Consumer promise to be better.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Well this last week has been most odd.

No posting by either of us because its been busy busy and we've been on the road.

But back to Port Harcourt and yesterday there was about 18 hours light.

18 hours - that's constant light by Nigerian standards.

And it seems its not just our neighbourhood.

Of course, right now we're on sunlight power and this laptop has 7 is battery life remaining but this is a really interesting development. Also, its not really supposed to be possible.

So where is all this light coming from ?

Who knows but e're enjoying it for now

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Today's blog posting is NEPA powered.

Not a common occurrence but it seems that NEPA are showing some respect for our weekend.

The washing machine is rumbling, the DVD player is doing soulful music, the ironing board is humming and the cats are chasing chickens (that's not quite true- our useless cats are scared of chickens).

NEPA has been pretty useless over the last month but so far (apart from exploding inverters) its been a pretty good week. However our idea of a "good week" has been adjusted - to a point where 3 or 4 hours light from 1am is considered 'a good week'. Indeed.

Over the last month 113 units of electricity - not so bad when compared to the 148 units over 5 months that provoked us to start this blog but its still pretty abysmal.

Everyone seems to be making predictions and bets on the world cup - anyone care to bet if we'll be seeing the game on NEPA powered tv ??

Anyway its weekend so enough of NEPA.

If you want to see something pretty check this out

Have a great weekend !!

Monday, 5 July 2010

I have killed it

After about three years or so, i have made the mistake everyone avoids to make with their inverters. I crossed the negative and positive wires and puff goes my old faithful inverter. Now I am stock with Dark Age NEPA and my Generator. Pity Mr Okada is not at home to see this,  did not burn down the house though; thank God.

All the madness happened because yours truly did not give us power for 6 days and finally surfaced yesterday for about 2hours and 40seconds this money. Crazy crazy people

Mrs Okada

Sunday, 4 July 2010

We have seen the light...

Well sort of.

Its Sunday morning and at least one of the Okadas has online access (and light) while the other is on solar power "au naturale".

While we've resumed on our batteries others have been marching forward.

Here's what you can do to replace your kerosene lantern nowdays and the latest cheapest version (going for under $10 on a continent near you) is here and winning international prizes for innovation.

By the way, if you thought Nigeria can't produce that kind of thing then check this out

(their website is here)

So while President Goodluck's 9 month plan for NEPA rumbles along our 9 month plan is to get as far off the grid as we can.

Solar lanterns comin up (BTW anyone flying back from India or USA anytime soon ?)

Friday, 2 July 2010

Dark Ages again

Here we go again.

There has been no power from NEPA for the past 4 days; not a wink. Usually they give power prior to disconnection and a few days after. I heard that they were around to do their disconnection of payment defaulters. I had earlier made my calculation from my meter log and paid what was due me and not what NEPA thinks I should pay. So I'm ok, as my wires are still intact.

But then, whats the difference between those disconnected and those not? We are all in darknes and different sizes and sounds of generators, driving me crazy.

I shall resume my battle with them again this weekend; I heard there is a new service centre closer to us now so I can go lay my complaints of the lack of power and "high powered bills". This will be an introduction to the new service centre. :( I dont think they will love me.

Mrs Okada

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

A woman scorned...

Is a scary thing.

Mr President, you're a married man and word has it that Mrs Jonathan is no pushover.

So you can probably imagine the ire of 30 million madams who are expecting better light.

And now you've got a facebook page

(Actually I think you may have had one for a while but one local newspaper drew our eye in your direction)

Your excellency, this is damn risky.

I recommend that you work on the communications and delivery of this whole light thing. Otehrwise your "wall" might start to look like graffiti central.

By the way does this mean we are too old school with our little blog ?

Should we get a facebook page as well ?

Do we tweet when NEPA does its thing ?

Gawd. The dilemmas of modern life.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

No light as usual

Here we go again  crazy people do not give electricity.

My dear husband called me this morning to find out what NEPA situation is since he left and my answer was as an undiscribable sound which I believe only one man can interpret and he got it right.

No NEPA oooooooooooooo

I am really pissed, have to go and pay them a visit this weekend.

Mrs Okada

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Day off

Well its Sunday and I think there is at least one big book prescribing a day off.

So instead of NEPA there will be enlightening reading and broadening of the mind.

Like this

And then if you're prone to worrying you should read this .

You might think that one is bad news. But think about it. All that disruption to stuff that Nigeria does not really have. We'll be fine !! In fact we should be selling our services to the world now !!!

"How to cope without all the crap you take for granted"....

Finally a market niche that suits our situation.

Alright thats it for today.

Got to go and pack the bags for the squatter.

I am sending him to Calabar (apparently they've told the world there are 20,000 militants in the Niger Delta that need retraining and I'm damned if we're going to miss out entirely).

P.S.    GO GHANA  !!!  (see what you can do with a tight young side that has been consistently developed)

Friday, 25 June 2010

Missing in Action (MIA)

Yes, a little guilt again over not posting for a few days.

Mr Okada is on the road.

Madam Okada reports that NEPA is also seemingly MIA.

She's not seen evidence of them in 3 days (but the neighbours and the squatter mention brief daytime appearances).

A friendly face in Abuja has suggested that we all think of NEPA the wrong way.

Its not a power supplier - we mostly get our electricity from elsewhere and feel lucky when there is 'light'.

In fact, NEPA is a  rickety standby generator that kicks into action at  unpredictable times and
then slips back into its slumber.

Its a handy image - and it conjures up ideas of looking elsewhere for solutions to the power failures in the land.

NEPA workers beware- here lies the path of Nitel.

If you are so determined not to change your ways (and I admit many of your problems stem from your money stealing political masters) then your company will die a silent and unlamented death.

At this stage one could go into a long rant about how a company with a license to print money (they had the national network, an undersea fibre optic cable and a mobile phone license) can turn all that opportunity into a complete and utter flop.

NEPA and Nitel might at least go in the Guinness Book of Records  as truly world class under-performers.

But then if i wrote on that I would be late for work

Enjoy the weekend
(and the football without the spectacular  underperformers on the field - Bye bye France, Italy,  and the Super Eagles)

Monday, 21 June 2010

Our battery is back !!

For a long time now we've had some gear for defeating NEPA when we can.

It started as a little 1kva Inverter (about N25,000 at the time) and a truck battery and has since evolved after a little experimentation.

Now we have a either a 150or 200  amp battery, a cool little gadget for fast charging batteries, the inverter, and a little switch over that allows us to just run fans, lights and tv (thus avoiding accidentally overloading the little inverter).

However for a little while we've had batteries that gave some trouble and simply refused to last as long as they should (plus the squatter means 2 fans instead of 1 and at this level every amp counts).

At the weekend we tried a new brand - Altas 150amp sealed truck battery N28k at your nearest P.H store- and so far its done phenomenally well.

So we've had a very good weekend and just a few hours of NEPA but we might be able to go back to switching off the generator for at least half the night or more.

Happy indeed.

Its hard to put a price on the hours of silence and peace that come with the restoration of our battery game but its certainly a lot more than N28k per year (or even every 6 months if the battery doesn't last so long), not to speak of the cash savings.

Sunday 20 June results

Okada householders 1   NEPA/PHCN 0
By way, those of you with concerns about power at a more academic level should also read this (apologies in advance that you'll need to log into the site but its worth it)